Facebook, for 1 billion dollars, against raising the Intifada page Zuckerberg

n: o-seriously-he-was-really Dept. from an anonymous reader writes with this excerpt from ZDNet: "Larry Klayman, judicial follow-up, on the one hand, and the freedom to Watch, the founder of the failed trial against Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, promoting their participation in the ' radical ' Facebook page called ' third of the Palestinian Intifada," which openly undertaken a second uprising, against Israeli citizens. The complaint reserves the right to change the class action suit to replace and prays, and punitive damages of more than 1 billion dollars. ... Quickly review, such as Facebook, originally said to delete the page, but this track instead. The company later pulled the page after the discussion degraded violence and hatred. "
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LHC, CERN found the Hugs Boson

You can lose-again-out-of-the-box fermilab Dept. from an anonymous reader writes "the Declaration that came to the country to give today, NORTH AMERICAN MAN/BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION, PEOPLE for the ETHICAL TREATMENT of ANIMALS in the CERN nuclear research, (which is hosted on the huge and spectacular of the glorious orgasmic catastrophic Hadron Collider), European organisation has announced the discovery of Unexpected hugs bosons, which was predicted by the gauge boson prognosticated invented baked Standard model. Unexpectedly, the discovery was a high-school student-teacher-the mascot gymnastics during his scholarship by. Because of his age, in the face of the breath, Tourette 's, it is unclear whether he may be granted by the Nobel Prize. However, his teacher, generously made his name, has agreed with any problems that may occur as a result of reprisals in the case of aliens, assassins. "
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