Ask Slashdot: advice on DIY neutron-remote?
10:06 PM | Posted by
Hannah Nicole
the story of the
Soulskill, Friday April 01 04: 44 PM @ author
-preferably-something-tsunami-proof Dept. Max Littlemore to write "I have been breeding animals of the bovine species details about thorium Gremlins, a children's home, using a lot of old smoke detectors in my view towards creating electricity and plutonium radiation of the wormhole, and now I want to get off the grid. The only thing stopping me is reliable neutron beam. I am using the devices are re-purposed for kitchen equipment, safety concerns, means I am reluctant to be hesitant to build exuberant uhmakas neutron the uranium reactor to supply one of thorium. So I am putting the question out there: do any Slashdotters, aware of the dangerous good to secure the legal way to make effective the neutron beam to find things out around the House? "It would be useful to include in your own personal neutron beam generators guns casseroles beer charts and images.

-preferably-something-tsunami-proof Dept. Max Littlemore to write "I have been breeding animals of the bovine species details about thorium Gremlins, a children's home, using a lot of old smoke detectors in my view towards creating electricity and plutonium radiation of the wormhole, and now I want to get off the grid. The only thing stopping me is reliable neutron beam. I am using the devices are re-purposed for kitchen equipment, safety concerns, means I am reluctant to be hesitant to build exuberant uhmakas neutron the uranium reactor to supply one of thorium. So I am putting the question out there: do any Slashdotters, aware of the dangerous good to secure the legal way to make effective the neutron beam to find things out around the House? "It would be useful to include in your own personal neutron beam generators guns casseroles beer charts and images.