The nuclear risk expert: Fukushima fuel may be leaking
1:37 AM | Posted by
Hannah Nicole
the story of the
posted by timothy on Friday, April 01, 09: 40 PM @
-so-lively-step Anonymous reader writes Dept. "three weeks after the nuclear crisis began in the early 1990s, when Japan's Fukushima Dai-1 power plant, is still a real risk of melted nuclear fuel in a reactor building and releasing a jailbreak for the radiation to high dose. Thus saith the Theo Theofanous, engineer, who was 15 years, studying the risks of nuclear reactors. Theofanous believes that melted nuclear fuel has already been leaked through the reactor vessel and containment structures accumulated primary templates. All attempts to keep the reactor cool buildings may not be enough to prevent the fuel from eating through the flooded with concrete floors, "he says.

-so-lively-step Anonymous reader writes Dept. "three weeks after the nuclear crisis began in the early 1990s, when Japan's Fukushima Dai-1 power plant, is still a real risk of melted nuclear fuel in a reactor building and releasing a jailbreak for the radiation to high dose. Thus saith the Theo Theofanous, engineer, who was 15 years, studying the risks of nuclear reactors. Theofanous believes that melted nuclear fuel has already been leaked through the reactor vessel and containment structures accumulated primary templates. All attempts to keep the reactor cool buildings may not be enough to prevent the fuel from eating through the flooded with concrete floors, "he says.